If you’re having trouble logging into your account, you can use the Aura App to reset your account password.
How to update your password:
Open the Aura App and select "Have an Account ?"
Select "Sign In" and click "Forgot Your Password ? "
Enter your email address carefully before tapping "Reset" once
Note: Please avoid tapping the reset button multiple times which may trigger more than one password reset email. If see 'invalid tokens' when trying to reset your password, please wait 24 hours, then try to reset your password, being careful to only click the Forgot Password button once. -
Check your inbox for an email from no-reply@auraframes.com titled "Reset password instructions" which will contain a link to reset your password (Please note that receiving the email can take up to 2-5 minutes). Please check your spam and junk folder if you have not received the reset email within fifteen minutes.
Tap on the "Reset Password" link in the email to create a new password. Your password won’t change until you open the link in the email and change it.
After you have clicked on the "Reset Password" link, you will be directed to this page which allows you to input a new *strong password.
Once your password has been changed successfully, please log into your Aura Account using your email address and new password.
What to do if you are running into problems:
If you have followed the reset process but for some reason are unable to change your password (= e.g. directed to a blank screen) you should try the following:
If you submitted multiple password reset requests, please make sure you click on the most recent password reset email that you received or wait 24 hours before trying again to ensure your password reset email is in sync.
Check if a pop-up blocker may be stopping the email link from redirecting you to step 6
Consider using a different device (e.g. your computer) to click on the email link
- Use your computer to visit the AURA WEB PORTAL to submit a new password reset. Clicking on AURA WEB PORTAL above, will take you to a web browser on your computer - ( https://app.auraframes.com/reset_password )
*What is considered a strong password?
Instead of common words that are easy to guess, essential components of a secure password include sufficient length and a mix of special characters, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase letters.
If the information in this article hasn't helped you resolve your problem, please submit a detailed support request and Aura's Customer Care Team will help.