If the network you are using requires you to enter an individually issued username and password (enterprise network), you can connect your Aura to this network using the Aura app.
Here is how you connect your frame to an enterprise network:
Remove the frame from the box and plug it in. A four digit code will appear on the frame's display.
Open the Aura app and create a new account (unless already created). Then, select the option "+ New Frame"
Select that the frame is for yourself before tapping on “It’s plugged in”.
Next, make sure the numbers on the app match those displayed on the frame's display. Tap “Next”.
Tap “Connect Now”.
Select the correct WiFi network.
Enter your username and password to access the internet.
Next you will be asked to name your frame, once complete tap “Okay”.
Invite family members or skip this step.
Enable notifications or not
Click “Let’s Go”.
You can also follow along with this helpful how-to video, that walks you through the steps of connecting your frame:
If the information in this article hasn't helped you resolve your problem, please submit a detailed support request and Aura's Customer Care Team will help.